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Check up to 1 million links for only USD 5.95
with Atomseo Broken Links Checker's new 24-hour pricing plan
Find and fix 404 broken links easily!
Many web admins and administrators check their sites to find non-existent and dead links and eliminate these errors. Atomseo Broken Links Checker can check up to 1,500 links on a site for free.

You can upgrade to any paid monthly or annual subscription plans if you need to check more links.

But sometimes situations arise where:

  • the webmaster needs to check the site only once, for example, to establish exactly how many links it has and how many of those links are giving away a 404 response code
  • need to quickly find all the dead links one time (for example, when you make an audit of your site or prepare a proposal for your client)

Especially for such cases, we have created a new pricing plan - for USD 5.95; you can buy 24 hours access to the bug scanner. You can scan sites with up to 1 million links during 24 hours. You can download Excel reports for each site you've checked for further processing of the detected errors.

You can buy this access anytime and anywhere you want or buy for a monthly price plan starting from USD 9.95/month (up to 10.000 daily). Find more information at Pricing Section.

If you have questions about Atomseo Broken Links Checker limits, don't know which plan is right for you, or want advice from our sales team, email us at We'll respond within one business day or sooner.