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Understanding 300 Status Code: Detecting, Fixing and Difference from Other Errors

1. What is the 300 Status Code "Multiple Choices"

The 300 Multiple Choices status code is a non-standard response within the 3xx Redirection group of HTTP status codes. It indicates that the requested resource has multiple representations, each with its specific location. Unlike more common 3xx codes, such as 301 or 302, the 300 code implies a set of alternative choices for the user or user agent.

This status code signifies that the client should choose one of the provided representations and issue a new request. While less frequently encountered than other codes in the 3xx category, understanding the 300 errors is crucial for navigating scenarios where multiple representations of a resource are available.

2. Examples of 300 Response Codes


The user requests the page, but the server has several versions of this page:,,,

The server responds with a 300 status code and provides a list of available options.

The user agent (browser) or the user can select one of the options and submit a new request.

3. How to Find and Fix Response Code 300

To find the 300 status code response, follow these technical recommendations:

1. Use Web Development Tools:

Utilize web development tools like browser developer tools, which often display HTTP response codes when inspecting network requests. This can help identify if a URL is returning a 300 status code.

2. Check Server Logs:

Analyze server logs to identify URLs returning a 300 status code. Server log files often contain detailed information about incoming requests and server responses.

3. Google Search Console:

Google Search Console provides a "Crawl Errors" report that identifies URLs returning 300 status codes. This tool helps web admins identify and resolve crawl issues, including redirects.

4. Atomseo Broken Links Checker:

Atomseo Broken Links Checker is a helpful tool for identifying broken links and redirects, including URLs returning a 300 status code. It allows users to check up to 2000 links daily for free, providing detailed insights into redirect issues.

How to fix the 300 status code response:

1. Choose Preferred URL:

If multiple URLs point to the same content, choose a preferred URL and implement a 301 redirect from the alternate URLs to the preferred one. This consolidates link equity and avoids duplicate content issues.

2. Update Internal Links:

Update internal links within the website to point directly to the preferred URL to ensure a seamless user experience and improve SEO.

3. Update External Links:

If other websites are linking to the non-preferred URLs, request the webmasters to update the links to the preferred URL.

4. Update Sitemaps:

Update XML sitemaps to include only the preferred URL for each piece of content to ensure search engines crawl and index the correct URL.

By following these recommendations and utilizing tools like Atomseo Broken Links Checker, webmasters can effectively identify and resolve 300 error code issues, improving their websites' overall user experience and SEO performance.

4. The Difference Between 300 and 400 Errors

The difference between 300 and 400 errors lies in their HTTP status codes and the nature of the issues they represent.

  • 300 Series (Redirection): Status codes in the 300 series indicate that further action is required to complete the request. Specifically, the 300 series encompasses redirection responses, where the client's browser is directed to a different location. Examples include 301 (Moved Permanently), 302 (Found), and 307 (Temporary Redirect).

  • 400 Series (Client Errors): On the other hand, status codes in the 400 series signify client-side errors, indicating that the request sent by the client was incorrect or incomplete. These errors typically result from invalid syntax, unauthorized access, or missing authentication credentials. Examples include 400 (Bad Request), 401 (Unauthorized), and 404 (Not Found).

In summary, while the 300 series denotes redirection responses requiring further action, the 400 series represents client errors stemming from issues with the request itself. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for diagnosing and resolving web-related problems effectively.

5. The Difference Between 300 and 200 Codes

The difference between 300 and 200 errors lies in their respective HTTP status codes and the implications they carry.

  • 200 Series (Success): Status codes in the 200 series indicate that the server has successfully processed the request and returned the requested content. Expressly, the 200 status code (OK) signifies that the request was successful and the server has fulfilled the client's request.

  • 300 Series (Redirection): Conversely, status codes in the 300 series denote redirection responses, indicating that further action is required to complete the request. These codes inform the client's browser that the requested resource has moved to a different location and provide instructions on how to proceed.
It is crucial to monitor the status of pages on a website, ensuring timely detection and correction of errors. To facilitate this process, use the Atomseo Broken Links Checker. This tool allows for the daily examination of up to1500 links, free of charge, identifying server errors, including the 300 status code.

6. Learn More About Other 3xx Status Codes