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Expert Guide to 3xx Redirect Errors:
The List of Codes, Explanation, How to Find

1. Understanding 3xx Redirect Response Codes

HTTP response status codes starting with 3xx indicate redirection. These codes inform the client that the requested resource is temporarily or permanently moved to a different location. The client is then redirected to the new location to access the desired resource.

Status codes in this category inform the client that another request must be initiated to ensure the operation's success, typically directed to a different URI. Within this class, five specific codes — 301, 302, 303, 305, and 307 — are directly associated with redirection.

It's important to note that HTTP status codes cover various aspects of communication between clients and servers. They are grouped into different categories, such as 1xx informational, 2xx success, and 5xx server error codes. To explore these code groups more, refer to our comprehensive pages on 1xx, 2xx, and 5xx status codes for a detailed understanding.

2. What is a Redirect?

A webpage redirect, often referred to as a redirect, is a process in web development and server configuration where a web server instructs a user's browser to navigate from one URL to another automatically. This is commonly used when a webpage has been moved to a new location or when the server needs to route traffic from one URL to another for various reasons.

Redirects are implemented using HTTP status codes, particularly those in the 3xx range, such as 301 Moved Permanently or 302 Found, to inform browsers and search engines about the new location of the content. They are crucial in maintaining website integrity, preserving SEO rankings, and ensuring a seamless user experience.

3. What Response Codes Belong to the 3xx Redirect Group?

Below is a table listing the HTTP status codes in the 3xx range, which are used for redirects:
Among these, the most commonly encountered redirect status codes are:

  • 301 Moved Permanently: Indicates that the requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL. It instructs the client to update its bookmarks and links accordingly.
  • 302 Found: Indicates that the requested resource resides temporarily at a different URL. It is commonly used for temporary redirects.
  • 307 Temporary Redirect: Similar to 302, it indicates that the requested resource resides temporarily at a different URL. However, it maintains the original request method when redirecting.

4. The Impact of 3xx Error Codes on SEO and Business

HTTP status codes in the 3xx range, specifically those related to redirects, can significantly impact SEO and business operations. These codes indicate that a page has been moved temporarily or permanently to a new URL, affecting website functionality, search engine visibility, and user experience.

1. Website Functionality: Incorrectly configured redirects or excessive redirect chains can lead to poor website performance and usability issues. Users may encounter broken links or end up on irrelevant pages, negatively affecting their browsing experience.

2. Search Engine Visibility: Search engines interpret redirects differently, affecting how they crawl and index web pages. While some redirects may pass link equity and preserve SEO value, others may dilute it or result in lost rankings if not implemented correctly. Excessive redirects or redirect loops can confuse search engine crawlers and lead to indexing issues, potentially impacting a site's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

3. User Experience: Redirects can disrupt the user journey, causing delays in page load times and interrupting navigation flow. Users may become frustrated if they encounter too many redirects or are directed to irrelevant content, leading to higher bounce rates and reduced engagement metrics.

Given their importance, website owners must proactively monitor and manage 3xx status codes. Regularly auditing redirects, fixing broken links, and optimizing redirect chains can help maintain website functionality, improve search engine rankings, and enhance the overall user experience. Ignoring these issues can result in decreased traffic, lower conversion rates, and diminished online visibility, highlighting the significance of addressing 3xx redirect errors promptly.

5. Finding Pages Affected by 3xx Redirect Response Codes

Identifying pages with 3xx redirect status codes is crucial for maintaining a healthy website. Utilizing specialized tools simplifies this process. One effective tool is the Google Search Console, a comprehensive platform offering insights into a website's performance. This powerful tool provides detailed reports on website performance, including information on crawl errors and redirect issues.

  • Google Search Console provides a dedicated section for identifying redirect issues. By navigating to the "Coverage" or "Index" report, webmasters can locate pages with specific HTTP status codes, including 3xx redirects. The detailed information provided assists in pinpointing problematic URLs and understanding the extent of the redirection.

Settings > Crawl stats
Crawl requests breakdown
By Response
Example of Pages with response code 302 Report
Settings > Crawl stats > Crawl requests: Moved temporarily (302)
  • Online website auditing tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider and SEMrush Site Audit offer comprehensive scanning capabilities to detect redirect errors across a website's pages. These tools provide detailed reports highlighting URLs with 3xx redirect status codes, enabling web admins to efficiently identify and resolve redirect issues.

  • Atomseo Broken Link Checker is another valuable tool for identifying all types of error codes, including those within the 3xx redirect group. This tool allows users to check up to 2000 pages daily for free, making it a convenient option for monitoring and managing website redirects efficiently.

By utilizing Atomseo Broken Link Checker, web admins can ensure the proper functioning of their website's redirects and address any issues promptly to enhance user experience and maintain SEO performance.
An example of an Atomseo Broken Link Checker report containing response codes for oxbows from the 3xx group (redirection)

6. General Recommendations for Handling 3xx Response Codes

When dealing with 3xx status codes, it's essential to understand that not all of them indicate errors. Some are simply redirects, while others may require corrective action. Here are some general recommendations for handling 3xx response codes:

1. Identify Redirects: Determine which pages should be redirected to others and which should return a status code 200 (OK). Properly configure redirects using appropriate status codes like 301 (Moved Permanently) or 302 (Found).

2. Ensure Working Pages: Ensure pages returning a status code 200 function correctly and provide the expected content. These pages should be accessible and relevant to users.

3. Remove Redundant Pages: Pages no longer relevant or necessary should be removed and return a status code of 404 (Not Found). This helps prevent users from accessing outdated or irrelevant content.

For detailed recommendations on addressing specific 3xx status codes, refer to the individual error code pages for comprehensive guidance on resolution strategies.

Monitoring for new errors from the 3xx response code group is extremely important. To quickly and effectively identify these and other codes, we recommend using the Atomseo Broken Link Checker.

7. Learn More About Other Status Codes