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Exploring the Role of HTTP 2xx Status Codes in Successful Server Responses

HTTP server response status codes 2xx fall within the Success class. These codes indicate that the server successfully received, understood, and accepted the client's request. Each specific code in the 2xx range signifies a different type of success or confirmation.

For example, the common status code "200 OK" indicates that the server successfully processed the request, while "201 Created" suggests that the request resulted in a new resource being successfully created. Other codes like "204 No Content" indicate successful processing with no additional content to send in the response.

In essence, these 2xx status codes convey positive outcomes, assuring the client that their request was successful and appropriately handled by the server. Understanding these codes is crucial for developers and system administrators to diagnose and troubleshoot web communication interactions between clients and servers.

Learn more about other Server Response and Error Statuses in our articles "Explaining and Solving 100, 101, 102, and 103 Error Codes" and "Technical Breakdown of 500 Internal Server Error: Causes, Remedies, How to Fix".

2. Which Response Codes Belong to the 2xx Group?

The 2xx group of HTTP response status codes includes the following:

  • 200 OK - The request was successfully fulfilled.
  • 201 Created - The request was successful, and a new resource was created.
  • 202 Accepted - The request has been accepted for processing but is not yet complete.
  • 203 Non-Authoritative Information - The returned information is not authoritative (unofficial).
  • 204 No Content - The request was successful, but no content exists to return.
  • 205 Reset Content - The request was successful, and the client should reset the document view.
  • 206 Partial Content - Only part of the resource was returned due to a Range header in the request.
  • 207 Multi-Status - The returned XML document contains status information for multiple operations.
  • 208 Already Reported - The resource has already been included in a previous response and will not be included again.
  • 226 IM Used - The server successfully fulfilled a request, including an instance in the response, indicating that it has created a new instance of the resource and its representation.

Non-Standard Error Codes:

  • 214 Transformation Applied - HTTP status code indicating that a transformation has been applied to the response's content.
  • 218 This is fine - The system acknowledges a non-critical issue or state that does not require immediate action.
  • 299 Miscellaneous Persistent Warning - HTTP status code used to indicate a persistent, non-critical issue that does not prevent the completion of the request.

3. The Most Common Codes From the 2xx Group

In everyday web programming, the most commonly encountered HTTP response status codes from the 2xx group are:

  • 200 OK: This code indicates that the request was successfully fulfilled. It is the most common code for successful request execution.
  • 201 Created: Used when a new resource is successfully created. For example, when sending a POST request to create an object.
  • 204 No Content: The operation was successfully executed, but the server returned no content. It is often used for operations like DELETE.

These three codes are the most standard in everyday web programming. However, the choice of a specific response code depends on the nature of the request and the requirements of your application.

4. Why 2xx Status Codes Are Important for a Website

HTTP status codes in the 2xx group play a crucial role in a website's functioning and user experience. These codes signify that the server successfully received, understood, and accepted a client's request. Understanding the importance of 2xx status codes is paramount for several reasons:

1. Successful Operations: The 2xx codes, particularly the commonly used 200 OK, indicate that the requested operation was completed successfully. This assurance is fundamental for users and developers alike.

2. User Feedback: Displaying appropriate 2xx status codes provides immediate feedback to users, assuring them that their actions or requests were processed successfully. This transparency enhances user confidence and trust.

3. Error Handling: Proper utilization of 2xx codes aids in distinguishing successful outcomes from errors. This clarity enables developers to implement effective error-handling mechanisms, improving the overall reliability of the website.

4. SEO Impact: Search engines consider the server response codes when indexing pages. Consistent use of 2xx codes positively influences a website's search engine ranking, contributing to better visibility.

In summary, the correct application of status codes 2xx is instrumental in ensuring smooth user interactions, aiding developers in identifying and addressing issues promptly, and positively impacting a website's overall performance and search engine optimization.

5. How to Check if a Page Returns a 2xx Status Code

You can utilize various tools and methods to verify if a page returns a 2xx status code. Here are several ways:

Browser Developer Tools

  1. Open the web page in your browser.
  2. Right-click on the page and select "Inspect" or "Inspect Element" (depending on your browser).
  3. Navigate to the "Network" tab.
  4. Refresh the page (F5).
  5. Check the "Status" column in the list of requests. If the response code starts with "2," it belongs to the 2xx group.

Command Line with Curl

1. Open the command line (terminal).
2. Use the curl command with the -I option (headers) to send a HEAD request and receive only the response headers:

Copy code
curl -I

3. Check the status line in the output. If it starts with "HTTP/1.1 2," it's a 2xx status code.

Online Tools

Some online services can perform a HEAD request and display the response code for you. Enter the URL into such a service, and it will provide information about the response code.

Here are two popular and easily accessible online tools:

1. Online HTTP Status Code Checker: Enter the URL into the input field, and this tool will display the response code and other helpful information.

2. HTTP Status Code Checker by SEO Review Tools: tool also provides a simple way to check the server response code by entering the URL into the field.

Atomseo Broken Link Checker

Enables running a check on any page or entire website (up to 2000 links for free). The scanning results will be provided in a report containing all response status codes, including 2xx. Check your site now!
Here is a sample report of server status codes, including 2xx responses.

Google Search Console

You can utilize the "URL Inspection" tool to analyze a webpage and check its status.

Option 1 - Checking the server response status code for one page

Login to Google Search Console: Log into your Google Search Console account: Select the website you want (if yours is not added, add and confirm your website).

Use the URL Inspection tool:

To do this, in the left sidebar select "URL Inspection".
Check URL Status at Google Search Console.
Click on the "check url" button.

Enter the URL of the page you want to check.

Click "check".

Open Details and Press View HTTP Response.
How to View URL HTTP Status in Google Search Console.
Option 2 – bulk checking of the server response code for indexed pages

In Google Search Console, you can also check the server response codes of all pages that are indexed. It is important to make sure that they all return a response code of 200, which means that all pages in the index are working and accessible to the user.

To do this, you can go to the left side menu, Settings.
How to get Crawl Statistics and Google Search Console.
Open Report - Crawls Stats.
Here is how the report on 2xx status codes appears in the Google Search Console.

Analysis of the result

Google Search Console will provide information about the status of the page, its indexing and possible problems.

If the page responds successfully (response code 2xx), you will see relevant information.

Please note that Google Search Console tools are more focused on providing information about indexed pages, or about a single page, and may not provide the same detailed information as browser developer tools or curl in the terminal.

If you need more detailed testing, it is better to use the above methods using browser developer tools or curl, or use special services for scanning pages and reporting their state code (such as Atomseo).

Atomseo Broken Link Checker allows for analyzing any page or entire website (up to 1500 links for free). The scanning results are presented in a report that includes all response status codes, including those in the 2xx range.

6. Learn More About Other Status Codes