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Error Code 208 Already Reported: Explanation and Recommendations

1. Meaning, Features and Recommendations of the Status Code 208

1. Meaning

The HTTP status code 208, "Already Reported," is part of the WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) protocol. This status code indicates that the members of the DAV binding have been previously enumerated in a preceding part of the multistatus response and are not being included again.

It is typically used in response to a PROPFIND request, indicating that the properties requested are already reported in the response for a related resource. The error code 208 assists clients in efficiently handling multistatus responses by avoiding redundant data transmission.

Developers and web administrators need to understand this status code's specific context and usage within the WebDAV protocol.

Response code 208 Already Reported is a non-standard HTTP response code used in some cases to inform the client that the requested information has already been sent previously.

  • Title: Already Reported
  • Number: 208
  • Category: Information
  • Standard: Non-standard

It is important to note that using code 208 is not mandatory.

Servers may use other methods to inform clients that the requested information has already been sent.

However, understanding how error code 208 works can be helpful for developers who are troubleshooting HTTP connections.

2. Usage:

  • The server may send a 208 error code when:

o The client is requesting information that was already sent in a previous response.
o The server uses HTTP pipelining, and the client requests a response already sent in the stream.
o The server wants the client to retry the request using a different HTTP method.

3. Support:

  • Response code 208 is not a standard HTTP code and is not supported by all browsers and servers.
  • Most common support:

o Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge
o Servers: Nginx, Apache

4. Limitations:

  • Using status code 208 may cause compatibility issues with some clients.
  • Not all clients can interpret code 208 correctly.

5. Contents of the response:

  • The content of the 208 response is undefined.
  • Sometimes, the server may include additional information in the response, such as the request number to which the code applies.

6. Difference from other codes:

  • 200 OK: Used when the request has been successfully processed, and the server has sent the requested resource.
  • 204 No Content: Used when the request was successfully processed, but the server has nothing to send.
  • 304 Not Modified: Used when the requested resource has not been modified since the last request.

7. Recommendations for clients:

  • Read response header: The response header may contain additional information about why the server sent the 208 error code.
  • Check cache: If the client caches responses, it can check the cache to see if the requested information has already been received.
  • Retry the request: If the client cannot find the requested information in the cache, it can retry the request using a different HTTP method.

8. Recommendations for servers:

  • Use code 208 only as a last resort: Code 208 is not a standard response code, and its use may result in incompatibility with some clients.
  • Include additional information in the response: The server may include additional information in response 208, such as the request number to which the code applies.
  • Use standard response codes: B

9. Examples of use:

  • HTTP pipelining: If the client is using HTTP pipelining, the server may send a 208 code to respond to a request already sent in the stream.
  • Websockets: The server can send a 208 code when a client requests information already sent via a WebSocket.
  • 10. Alternatives:
  • 304 Not Modified: Used when the requested resource has not been modified since the last request.
  • 409 Conflict: Used when the requested resource has changed since the previous request, and the client must retry the request with new information.
The 208 status code is categorized under the 2xx Success class of server response codes. It signifies that the server has successfully processed the request, although the response may contain multiple status codes pertaining to different parts of the response body. For a comprehensive understanding of 2xx status codes, please consult our general article on HTTP 2xx status codes.

Ensuring that all website or web application pages are operational and return a status code of 200 for successful requests is crucial.

Monitoring this can be facilitated through the Atomseo Broken Links Checker tool, which identifies server errors, including 208, and enables free daily checks of up to 1500 links.

2. Learn About Other 2xx Status Codes