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Unveiling the Significance of
HTTP Error Code 205: Reset Content

1. The Meaning of 205 Response Code: Reset Content

The 205 Reset Content response code is a part of the HTTP protocol's 2xx Success category, indicating that the server successfully processed the request but instructed the client to reset the document view. This response is commonly used when form data has been submitted, and the client needs to clear the form or input fields, providing a seamless user experience.

The 205 status code does not include a response body and is cacheable by default unless explicitly stated otherwise by the server.

2. Examples of 205 Status Code

1. Clearing the form after submitting:

  • The user fills out and submits a form, such as a feedback form.
  • The server successfully processes the request and returns a response code of 205 Reset Content.
  • The user's browser resets the contents of the form, allowing the user to fill it out again.

Code examples


from flask import Flask, render_template, request

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
return render_template("index.html")

@app.route("/submit", methods=["POST"])
def submit():
if request.method == "POST":
name = request.form.get("name")
email = request.form.get("email")
message = request.form.get("message")

# Processing form data...

# Clearing the form
return render_template("index.html", success=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Form clearing example</title>
<h1>Form clearing example</h1>

{% if success %}
<p>Form submitted successfully!</p>
{% endif %}

<form action="/submit" method="post">
<label for="name">Name:</label>
<input type="text" name="name" id="name">

<label for="email">Email:</label>
<input type="email" name="email" id="email">

<label for="message">Message:</label>
<textarea name="message" id="message"></textarea>

<button type="submit">Submit</button>

In this example:

  • The user fills out a form with the fields "Name", "Email" and "Message".
  • After clicking the "Submit" button, the form data is processed by the server.
  • The server clears the form using the code return render_template("index.html", success=True).
  • The user's browser refreshes the page to display a blank form.

This example does not use the 205 Reset Content server response code. The form is cleared automatically when the page is refreshed.

However, code 205 can be used in more complex scenarios, for example, if necessary:

  • Display a success message.
  • Redirect the user to another page.
  • Update other interface elements.

2. Resetting the canvas state:

  • A user draws or edits an image in a web application on a canvas.
  • The user clicks the Reset button to clear the canvas.
  • The server returns a 205 Reset Content response code, and the user's browser clears the canvas.

3. UI Update:

  • The user views a web page that is dynamically updated.
  • The server detects changes in the data and sends a 205 Reset Content response code to the client.
  • The user's browser refreshes the page content to display the new data.

4. Re-authorization:

  • The user on the site enters their login credentials.
  • The server detects that the user's session has expired and requests re-authorization.
  • The server returns a 205 Reset Content response code, and the user's browser displays the login form.

5. Recovery after an error:

  • An error occurs while the web application is running.
  • The server restores the application state and returns a 205 Reset Content response code.

6. Cancel action:

  • The user clicks the Cancel button while the operation is in progress.
  • The server cancels the operation and returns a response code of 205 Reset Content.
  • The user interface is updated to reflect the cancellation of the operation.

7. Logout:

  • The user is logged out of their account on the website.
  • The server removes the user's session information and returns a 205 Reset Content response code.
  • The user is redirected to the login page.

8. Switch language:

  • The user selects a different interface language on the website.
  • The server updates the page content in the chosen language and returns a response code of 205 Reset Content.
  • The user interface is displayed in the new language.

9. Version update:

  • The web application detects a new version available.
  • The server prompts the user to update the application and returns a response code of 205 Reset Content.
  • The user can update the application or continue working with the current version.

10. Password reset:

  • A user requests a password reset for their account.
  • The server generates a new password and emails it to the user.
  • The server returns a 205 Reset Content response code, and the user can log into their account with a new password.

11. Confirmation of action:

  • The user performs an action that requires confirmation.
  • The server requests confirmation from the user and returns a response code of 205 Reset Content.
  • The user can confirm or cancel the action.

It's important to note that these are just a few examples of how the 205 response code can be used.

In general, the 205 Reset Content response code can be used in any situation where a web page's user or interface state needs to be reset.

3. Server Response 204 and 205: Understanding the Difference

Response code 204 No Content means the request was successfully processed, but the server has no content to send.

The 205 error code also means that the request was successfully processed, but unlike 204, the server can send response headers even if the response body is empty.

In some cases, these codes may be interchangeable.

For example, if the server needs to clear the form after submission, both 204 and 205 can be used.

However, using one of these codes may be preferable in other cases.

Here are some examples:


  • Deleting a resource.
  • Cancel action.
  • End of session.


  • Clearing the form after submission.
  • Reset the canvas state.
  • User interface update.
  • Re-authorization.
  • Recovery after an error.

It is important to note that the choice of response code depends on the specific situation.

You should review the HTTP documentation for more detailed information about response codes.

Here is a table summarizing the key differences between 204 and 205:

4. What other status codes are similar to 205?

1. 200 OK:

The request was successfully processed, and the server returned the content.

Difference from error code 205: The server always returns the content in the response body.

2. 201 Created:

The request was successfully processed, and the server created a new resource.

Difference from 205: The server always returns the URI of the new resource in the Location header.

3. 202 Accepted:

The request has been accepted but has not yet been processed.

Difference from 205: The server may send headers, for example, Location, to track the status of the request.

4. 204 No Content:

The request was processed successfully, but the server has no content to send.

Difference from 205: The server never sends headers in the response body.

5. 303 See Other:

Redirect to another URL.

Difference from 205: Used to redirect the user to another page rather than reset the state.

6. 400 Bad Request:

The request contains an error.

Difference from 205: Used for display an error message to the user.

7. 401 Unauthorized:

Access to the resource is denied.

Difference from 205: Used for requesting authorization from the user.

8. 404 Not Found:

The requested resource was not found.

Difference from 205: Used for display a 404 error message.

9. 500 Internal Server Error:

An error occurred on the server.

Difference from 205: Used for display a 500 error message.

10. 503 Service Unavailable:

Service is temporarily unavailable.

Difference from 205: Used to display a message indicating that the service is unavailable.

It's important to note that these are just some of the server response codes similar to 205.

It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the primary server response codes for more detailed information.
The 205 status code falls within the 2xx Success category of server response codes. Please refer to our comprehensive guide on 2xx status codes for further information.

Ensuring seamless operations involves confirming that all website or web application pages are functioning correctly and returning a status code 200. This can be accomplished using the Atomseo Broken Links Checker, which allows you to analyze up to 1500 links daily for free.

5. Learn About Other 2xx Status Codes