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Understanding the Impact of Error Code 201 on Your Website

1. What is a 201 Response Code?

Server response code 201, also known as "Created," is a status code that indicates the successful creation of a new resource in response to a client's request. This dynamic code is commonly encountered in web development scenarios where entities such as customer accounts, orders, file downloads, etc., are created.

Programmers typically interact with the 201 status code as it signifies the successful creation of a resource during the development process. However, it's important to note that the 201 response code can have multiple states, providing detailed information about the response to the request being sent.

Despite its name, Status Code 201 does not always imply that a new resource has been created. Instead, it confirms that the server has fulfilled the request and indicates the success of the creation process, providing valuable feedback to developers during application development and troubleshooting.

Examples of status code 201 values:

  • 201 Created: The request was completed successfully, and a new resource was created. This is the most important response, which indicates that the request was processed and the result was successfully returned.
  • 201 Accepted: The request has been accepted for processing but has not yet been completed.
  • 201 Processing: The request is being processed, but its status is yet unknown.
  • 201 Scheduled: The request is scheduled for future execution.
  • 201 Queued: The request is in the queue for execution.
  • 201 Redirected: The request was redirected to another URL.
  • 201 Temporarily unavailable: The server is temporarily unavailable.
  • 201 Error: An error occurred while processing the request.

2. 200 vs 201 Status Code: Understanding the Difference

The difference between the 200 and 201 HTTP response codes lies in the nature of their success indications. A 200 status code signifies that the request was successful and the server has successfully processed it, returning the requested information. On the other hand, error code 201 indicates a successful request that led to the creation of a new resource on the server. This could include the creation of a new entity, such as a customer account, order, or file.

In essence, while both codes signify success, the 201 specifically communicates the creation of a new entity in response to the request.

Programmers and developers often encounter these codes when handling various operations, such as account creation, file uploads, or order processing, providing crucial information about the outcome of their requests.

3. The Importance of Response Code 201 for Developers

The 201 status code is important for developers as it indicates the successful creation of a new resource in response to a client's request. This is crucial in web or application development because it confirms that the requested operation, such as account creation, file upload, or order processing, has been completed successfully.

By receiving the 201 response, developers can ensure that the intended actions have been executed as expected, allowing them to proceed with subsequent tasks or inform users about the successful completion of their requests.

In summary, status code 201 plays a vital role in signalling the successful creation of resources, providing developers with essential feedback during the development process.

4. Examples of 201 Status Codes

Here are examples of Status Code 201 Created in various scenarios:

1. Creating a New User Account:

  • Client sends a POST request: POST /users HTTP/1.1
  • Server processes the request and creates a new user account.
  • Server responds with status code 201: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
  • Server includes the URL of the newly created user in the Location header: Location: /users/123

2. Uploading a File:

  • Client sends a POST request with file data: POST /files HTTP/1.1
  • Server stores the file and creates a new file resource.
  • Server responds with status code 201: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
  • Server provides the URL of the uploaded file in the Location header: Location: /files/myimage.jpg

3. Creating a New Blog Post:

  • Client sends a POST request with blog post content: POST /posts HTTP/1.1
  • Server saves the blog post and generates a unique URL for it.
  • Server responds with status code 201: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
  • Server includes the URL of the newly created blog post in the Location header: Location: /posts/my-new-post

4. Submitting a Form:

  • Client fills out a form and submits it (typically a POST request).
  • Server processes the form data and creates a new record or resource.
  • Server responds with status code 201 to confirm creation: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
  • Server may redirect the client to a success page or display a confirmation message.

5. Registering a New API Client:

  • Client sends a registration request to an API.
  • API creates a new client record and generates API keys.
  • API responds with status code 201 and provides the client with the generated keys: HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Key Points:

  • Status code 201 indicates successful resource creation on the server.
  • It's often accompanied by a Location header specifying the URL of the newly created resource.
  • Common scenarios include creating user accounts, uploading files, posting content, submitting forms, and registering API clients.

5. How to Check that the Server is Giving Code 201

1. Sending a request:

  • Select a tool to send HTTP requests, for example:

Browser with development extension (e.g., Advanced REST Client)

  • Create a request that matches your scenario (POST, PUT, etc.).
  • Specify the URL where the resource should be created.
  • Add the necessary headers and body (if required).

Example command to send a request:


curl -X POST\
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "John Doe",
"email": ""


  • curl is a command line tool for sending HTTP requests.
  • -X POST - specifies the HTTP POST method.
  • -H "Content-Type: application/json" - sets the Content-Type header, indicating the data type in the body of the request.
  • -d '{ ... }' - contains JSON data that will be sent in the body of the request.
  • - The URL to which the request will be sent.

In this example:

  • We send a POST request to the URL
  • The Content-Type header indicates that the body of the request contains JSON data.
  • The JSON data contains the user's name and email address.

Other tools:

  • Postman:
  • Advanced REST Client: <invalid URL removed>

Other examples:

  • GET request: curl
  • PUT request: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ ... }'
  • DELETE request: curl -X DELETE

2. Analysis of the answer:

  • Pay attention to the server response code.
  • Code 201: The server successfully created the resource.
  • Other codes:
- 400: Error in request.
- 401: Unauthorized access.
- 403: Forbidden.
- 500: Server error.

3. Checking the Location header:

  • If the response code is 201, check the Location header.
  • It must contain the URL of the newly created resource.

4. Additional methods:

  • Use HTTP debugging tools, such as:

- Fiddler
- Charles Proxy

  • View server logs to see detailed information about requests and responses.

5. Examples of tools:


  • Before checking the 201 code, make sure that your request is formed correctly.
  • Check the API or server documentation for specific requirements.
  • Use different testing methods to get the full picture.
The 201 status code is part of the 2xx Success class of server response codes. You can refer to the general article on HTTP 2xx status codes for a comprehensive understanding of these codes.

It's crucial for smooth operations to ensure that all website or web application pages are functional and return the 200 status code. Monitoring this aspect can be efficiently done using Atomseo Broken Links Checker. This tool helps track and analyze the status of pages, ensuring they consistently return the desired success codes.

Atomseo Broken Links Checker allows users to check up to 1500 daily links for free. This tool is invaluable for website administrators and developers, ensuring the smooth functioning of websites by identifying and rectifying any broken links that may result in undesirable status codes.

6. Learn About Other 2xx Status Codes