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Understanding the 203 Status Code:
Non-Authoritative Information

1. What is 203 Status Code Non-Authoritative Information

The 203 response code Non-Authoritative Information is an HTTP response status code indicating that the server successfully processed the request but is returning information from a source other than the origin server.

This status code is typically used when the origin server does not have a full copy of the requested resource and is forwarding the client to a different server or source with the most up-to-date information. It informs the client that the response might be from a third-party or proxy server and should be used cautiously, as the information provided may not be authoritative. The client can then decide whether to follow the redirected response or not, depending on its needs and security considerations.

2. Examples of Using Response Code 203

Here are some examples of using code 203:

• Proxy: A proxy can use code 203 if it has cached a response from the origin server and returns that cached response to the client.
• Load Balancer: A load balancer may use error code 203 if it redirects a client request to a server that is not the origin server of the requested resource.
• CDN (Content Delivery Network): A CDN can use a 203 code if it returns content to the client from its cache rather than the origin server.

Sometimes, a 203 code may be accompanied by a Warning header, which provides additional information about why the response is not authoritative.


HTTP/1.1 203 Non-Authoritative Information
Warning: 110 - Response is stale

In this example, status code 203 indicates that the answer is not authoritative because it is outdated. The Warning header contains a warning code of 110, which means the response was retrieved from the cache.

Other HTTP response codes similar to 203:

• 200 OK: The request was successfully processed, and the server is returning a response.
• 304 Not Modified: The resource has not been modified since the last request, and the server does not return a response.
• 404 Not Found: The requested resource was not found.
• 500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred on the server.

It's important to note that a 203 code does not mean the response is in error. It only means that the information in the response may not be entirely accurate or up-to-date.

Additional examples of using the 203 response code:

1. Content update:

• A server may use a 203 code if it returns a new version of the content to the client, but that version has not yet been fully distributed to all CDN servers.
• In this case, the client may receive a more recent version of the content, which may not be entirely up-to-date.

2. Global load balancing:

• A global load balancer may use code 203 if it forwards a client request to a server far from the client.
• In this case, the client may receive a faster response, but it may not be entirely accurate since the server may not have complete information about the system's state.

3. Testing and debugging:

• Developers can use code 203 while testing and debugging the system.
• In this case, the 203 error code can help them determine if the system works properly.

4. Access restriction:

• The server may use code 203 if it wants to restrict access to content for some users.
• In this case, code 203 can help the server reduce load and protect content from unauthorized access.

5. Experimental features:

• The server may use code 203 to provide clients access to experimental features.
• In this case, code 203 can help the server collect feedback on new features and improve them.

It is important to note that using code 203 is not mandatory. The server may use other HTTP response codes, such as 200 OK if it can immediately provide the client with an accurate and up-to-date response.

However, using code 203 can be helpful in the following cases:

• When the server cannot immediately provide an accurate and up-to-date response to the client.

• When the server wants to provide clients access to content that may not be entirely accurate or up-to-date.

• When the server wants to restrict access to content for some users.

3. How Do I Fix My 203 Status Code?

The solution depends on the specific situation and why the code was activated. Here are some tips and steps you can take to fix the problem:

Define the context:

• Where do you see code 203: on a website, in an API response, or elsewhere?
• What were you trying to do when you received the code?
• Are there any specific error messages or details accompanying the code?

Understand the meaning:

• Remember that code 203 means non-authoritative information, meaning the answer may not be entirely accurate or up-to-date. This does not necessarily mean an error.
• Consider whether the information you receive will still be helpful for your purposes, even if it is irrelevant.

Possible causes and solutions:

• Caching: If you suspect cached data causes the problem, try clearing your browser's cache and cookies or reloading the page/application.
• Proxy servers: If you are using a proxy server, check its configuration to ensure that it does not modify responses in a way that triggers code 203.
• Server-side problems: If the problem appears on the server side, you may need to contact the website's support team or service provider. They can investigate the cause and potentially fix the issue.
• Application-related issues: If you encounter the code in a specific application, check for known bugs or compatibility issues and see if updates are available. You can also search online forums or communities for solutions reported by other users.

Additional tips:

• If you need more help, gather more information about your situation (context, actions taken, error messages).
• Please review the documentation of the website, API, or application you are using for troubleshooting tips specific to them.

Remember that code 203 by itself does not always mean a problem. By understanding the context and exploring possible reasons, you can determine whether the information is valuable to you and, if necessary, take steps to improve its accuracy or find alternative sources.
The HTTP status code 203 falls under the 2xx Success category of server response codes. For more information, refer to our comprehensive article on 2xx status codes.

Ensuring all website or web application pages are functional and return a status code 200 is vital for successful operations. You can monitor this using Atomseo Broken Links Checker, which allows you to check up to 1500 links daily for free.

4. Learn About Other 2xx Status Codes