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Understanding the Role of HTTP 202 Response Code: A Comprehensive Overview

1. What Does Status Code 202 Mean?

The 202 status code "Accepted" is an HTTP response code that signifies the acceptance of a request for processing. Contrary to common misconception, it does not indicate the successful execution of the request; instead, it means that the server has acknowledged the request and initiated its processing. Clients must wait for a subsequent response from the server to determine whether the request has been successfully executed.

In essence, status code 202 serves as an interim acknowledgement, informing the client that the server has received the request and has begun the necessary processing steps. This mechanism allows for asynchronous handling of requests, ensuring that clients are informed of the processing status without immediately confirming the operation's success.

2. Is Status Code 202 Mandatory?

The utilization of the 202 status code is not obligatory in HTTP responses. The server may employ alternatives like the 200 OK status code if it can promptly fulfil the client's request. Nevertheless, employing the 202 code proves beneficial in specific scenarios:

• When the processing of a request is time-consuming.

• When the client desires real-time updates regarding the status of the request.

• When the server cannot immediately execute the request but wishes to notify the client that the request has been accepted.

It is a tool that allows for better communication between the server and client in scenarios where immediate request fulfilment may not be feasible.

3. When Does Status Code 202 Change to 200?

The transition of the status code 202 to 200 occurs when the server successfully processes the client's request and fulfils it immediately. Initially, when the client sends a request to the server, it receives the 202 status code, indicating that the request has been accepted for processing.

However, once the server completes the processing and is ready to respond with the requested resource, it changes the status code to 200 OK to signify that the request has been successfully executed and the desired outcome is now available for the client to access.

4. The Difference Between HTTP Status Codes 201 and 202

HTTP status codes 201 and 202 differ in their meanings and implications.

HTTP status code 201, "Created," indicates that a new resource has been successfully created due to the client's request. It signifies the successful completion of the request, and the server has fulfilled it by creating the specified resource.

HTTP status code 202, "Accepted," indicates that the request has been accepted for processing but has not yet been completed. Unlike code 201, which confirms immediate creation, code 202 signifies that the server has acknowledged the request and will process it asynchronously. It is often used when the request processing may take some time, and the server needs additional time to fulfil it.

In summary, while both codes signify successful processing of requests, code 201 indicates immediate creation, whereas code 202 indicates acceptance for processing without immediate completion.

5. Examples of 202 Response Code Accepted

Here are some examples of using code 202:

• When downloading a file: The server can use code 202 to inform the client that a file download has begun but is not yet complete.

• When submitting a form: The server can use code 202 to tell the client that the form data has been received but has not yet been processed.

• For an asynchronous request: The server can use code 202 to tell the client that the request has been accepted, but the response will be sent later.

• In some cases, the 202 code may be accompanied by a Location header, which points to a URL where the client can obtain information about the request's status.


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

Location: /api/v1/jobs/12345

In this example, code 202 indicates that a request to create a new job has been accepted but has not yet been completed. The client can get job status information by navigating to the URL /api/v1/jobs/12345.

Additional examples of using code 202 status:

1. Video processing:

• The server can use code 202 to tell the client that the video download has started but is not yet complete.

• After processing the video, the server can send the client a code 200 and a link to the finished video.

2. Long calculations:

• The server can use code 202 to tell the client that a request to perform a complex calculation has been accepted but has not yet been completed.

• The server can periodically send updates to the client about the state of the computation.

• When the calculation is complete, the server can send the code 200 and the calculation result to the client.

3. Data streaming:

• The server can use code 202 to tell the client that streaming has started but has not yet been completed.

• The server will continue to send data to the client as it arrives.

• The customer can cancel streaming at any time.

4. Software update:

• The server may use code 202 to indicate to the client that a software update download has begun but is not yet complete.

• Once the download is complete, the server can send the client a 200 code and a request to install the update.

5. Backup:

• The server can use code 202 to inform the client that the data backup process has begun but is not yet complete.

• The server can periodically send updates to the client about the backup status.

• When the backup is complete, the server can send the client a 200 code and a success message.
The HTTP status code 202 belongs to the 2xx Success category of server response codes. You can read our general article about 2xx status codes for more information.

It is crucial for successful operations to ensure that all website or web application pages are functional and return a status codes of 200. Monitoring this can be achieved through Atomseo Broken Links Checker, which allows you to check up to 1500 links daily for free.

6. Learn About Other 2xx Status Codes