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Decoding Error Code 305: What It Means
and How to Fix It

1. Meaning of Error Code 305 [Use Proxy]

Service Error 305, "Use Proxy," is an HTTP status code that indicates the requested resource must be accessed through a specified proxy server. When a client sends a request to access a resource without specifying a proxy server, and the server requires using a proxy for security or caching purposes, it responds with the 305 error code. This response instructs the client to retry the request by routing it through the designated proxy server specified in the response's Location header. It prompts the client to use the specified proxy server to access the desired resource, ensuring compliance with network configurations and security policies.

2. Examples of 305 Status Code

Examples of 305 code in HTTP requests and responses look like this:

Example of a request with code 305:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0

Example response with code 305:

HTTP/1.1 305 Use Proxy
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2024 12:00:00 GMT
Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="Proxy Server"

In this example, when a client makes a request for a resource, the server returns a 305 status indicating the use of the proxy specified in the Location header to access the requested resource. The client should repeat the request, sending it through the specified proxy server.

3. Detecting 305 Error

To identify a status code 305, also known as "Use Proxy," in an HTTP response, monitor the response headers and network traffic using web development tools like browser developer tools or network sniffers. If a server requires the use of a proxy server to access the requested resource, it will return a 305 code along with a "Location" header specifying the proxy server's URL. Additionally, the server may include a "Proxy-Authenticate" header, prompting the client to provide credentials for accessing the proxy server.

By examining the response headers, developers can identify when the server requires clients to use a proxy server to access specific resources, facilitating proper configuration and troubleshooting.

To quickly detect and track error code 305, you can use the Atomseo Broken Links Checker service. This tool identifies all server errors, including 305, and allows you to check up to 2000 links daily for free.

4. Resolving Error Code 305

To resolve error 305 in HTTP responses, follow these steps:

1. Check Proxy Settings: Ensure that the proxy settings configured in your browser or application are correct. Incorrect proxy settings can trigger error 305.

2. Disable Proxy: Temporarily disable the proxy server to see if the issue persists. If the error disappears, there may be a problem with the proxy server configuration.

3. Clear Browser Cache: Clear the cache and cookies in your web browser to eliminate any cached proxy settings that might be causing the error.

4. Check Network Connection: Verify your network connection is stable and properly configured. Unstable connections or network issues can sometimes trigger error 305.

5. Contact Proxy Provider: If you use a specific proxy service, contact the provider for assistance. They can help troubleshoot any issues related to the proxy server configuration.

6. Update Software: Ensure that your browser, operating system, and any relevant software are up to date. Sometimes, outdated software can cause compatibility issues with proxy servers.

Following these steps, you can troubleshoot and resolve the 305 error code, allowing for smoother browsing and network connectivity.
Effortlessly monitor your website's page status with the Atomseo Broken Links Checker. Analyze up to 1500 links daily for free, simplifying the detection and resolution of server errors, including response code 305.

5. Learn More About Other 3xx Status Codes