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Error Code 526 Invalid SSL Certificate: Causes, Detection and Solution

Error 526, commonly known as "Invalid SSL Certificate," is a server-side issue that affects the secure connection between a website and its visitors. This error occurs when the SSL handshake process fails due to an invalid SSL certificate configuration. Understanding and resolving Error 526 is crucial for maintaining the security and accessibility of a website.

This article delves into error code 526, its meanings, and troubleshooting techniques to address this server error.

We recommend reading our comprehensive article on HTTP status code 500 for a deeper insight into internal server errors.

1. Understanding Error Code 526: Invalid SSL Certificate

Error code 526, "Invalid SSL Certificate," occurs when a user's browser encounters an SSL certificate that Cloudflare does not recognise as valid. This typically happens when the certificate presented by the origin server is either expired, self-signed, or not issued by a recognised Certificate Authority (CA). As a result, Cloudflare cannot establish a secure connection between the user's browser and the origin server, leading to the display of this error. To resolve this issue, website owners must ensure that their SSL certificates are valid, up-to-date, and issued by a trusted CA.

2. How to Detect 526 Error Code?

Detecting error code 526 Invalid SSL Certificate involves verifying the SSL certificate installed on the web server. This can be done by accessing the website using a web browser and checking for any SSL-related error messages or warnings displayed in the browser's address bar or security settings.

Additionally, online SSL checker tools can analyse the SSL certificate's validity, expiration date, and issuer information.

Server and error logs may also provide insights into SSL handshake failures and certificate validation errors.

Regular monitoring of SSL certificate status and configuration help detect and address Cloudflare error 526 promptly, ensuring secure and encrypted connections between clients and the web server.

To detect error 526 Invalid SSL Certificate, you can use the following services and programs:

1. Online SSL certificate verification: Many online tools such as SSL Shopper, SSL Labs SSL Test, and Qualys SSL Server Test allow you to check the validity and correctness of an SSL certificate, including its trust chain and any errors present.

2. Browser developer tools: Most modern web browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox provide developer tools that allow you to analyse SSL certificates while establishing a secure connection.

3. SSL scanners and utilities: Some paid and free tools like Nmap, SSLyze, and OpenSSL can also help detect SSL certificate errors, including error 526.

4. Server management: If you have full access to the server, you can use server administration tools like OpenSSL or server management commands to check and reconfigure SSL certificates.

5. Website monitoring services: Some website monitoring services, such as Pingdom or UptimeRobot, may provide notifications of error 526 occurrences on your web server.

Also, to detect error 526, using the Atomseo Broken Link Checker is convenient. This tool enables quick verification of websites for any server errors, including error 526. Additionally, it allows free checking of up to 2000 links per day.

3. Fixing Error 526 Invalid SSL Certificate

To resolve the 526 error code, follow these steps:

1. Verify SSL Certificate: Ensure that the SSL certificate installed on your server is valid and correctly configured. Check for any discrepancies in the certificate details or expiration date.

2. Install Correct Certificate: If the SSL certificate is invalid or expired, obtain a new SSL certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Install the new certificate on your server following the CA's instructions.

3. Check Certificate Chain: Ensure the SSL certificate chain is complete and correctly configured on your server. This includes intermediate certificates, if applicable, to establish trust with the CA.

4. Update SSL/TLS Configuration: Review and update your server's SSL/TLS configuration to ensure compatibility with the installed SSL certificate. Adjust encryption protocols, cypher suites, and other SSL/TLS settings.

5. Restart Web Server: After making any changes to the SSL certificate or server configuration, restart your web server to apply the changes effectively.

6. Test SSL Connection: Use online SSL testing tools or browser-based tools to verify the SSL certificate installation and check for any potential issues or vulnerabilities.

7. Monitor for Recurrence: Regularly monitor your server for any recurrence of error 526 and promptly address any new issues that may arise.

By following these steps, you can effectively fix error 526 Invalid SSL Certificate and ensure secure and reliable SSL connections for your website.
Verify your website for 526 errors using the Atomseo Broken Link Checker, offering free daily scans for up to 1500 links – a swift and efficient way to ensure the seamless functionality of your site.

4. Learn about other types of the 5XX Server Errors