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A Definitive Guide to 404 Error: Significance, Causes and Troubleshooting

1. What Does Error 404 [Not Found] Mean?

Error 404, commonly known as "Not Found," is a client error in the 4xx group of HTTP status codes.

This error indicates that the server cannot find the requested webpage. This status code occurs when the URL entered by the user does not correspond to any existing page on the server. It signifies that the server has not located the resource specified by the URL provided.

This could happen for various reasons, such as a mistyped URL, a broken link, or the removal of the requested webpage from the server. In essence, encountering a 404 error code suggests that the desired webpage is inaccessible—it does not exist on the server or has been moved to a different location.

2. Causes of the 404 Error

The 404 Not Found arises due to several factors within the web environment. These causes include:

  • Incorrect URL: Users may encounter a 404 error if they input an incorrect or mistyped URL in their browser's address bar.

  • Broken Links: When hyperlinks on a webpage direct users to non-existent or relocated resources, they trigger a 404 error when accessed.

  • Removed Content: If a webpage is deleted or removed from the server without proper redirection, attempts to access it will result in a 404 error.

  • Server Misconfiguration: Improper server configuration or maintenance issues can generate 404 errors when trying to access specific web pages.

  • File Deletion or Renaming: Renaming or deleting files associated with web pages without updating corresponding links can result in 404 errors when users attempt to access those pages.

3. What Makes Error 404 Famous?

Error 404 [Not Found] has gained notoriety primarily due to its widespread occurrence on the internet. This error occurs when a user attempts to access a webpage that does not exist or cannot be located on the server.

Its fame stems from several reasons:

1. Common Occurrence: Error 404 is one of the most frequently encountered HTTP status codes, making it a familiar sight for internet users.

2. Universal Understanding: The error code's simplicity and universality allow users worldwide to recognize and understand it, regardless of language or technical expertise.

3. User Experience Impact: Encountering a 404 error disrupts the user experience, potentially leading to frustration and dissatisfaction, especially if the desired content cannot be accessed.

4. Website Maintenance: Many website administrators strive to minimize 404 errors by implementing effective error-handling mechanisms and regularly monitoring and updating their website's content and structure.

Overall, the fame of error 404 stems from its universal recognition as a symbol of broken or dead links, mistyped URLs, or missing web content. Its prevalence underscores the importance of proper website maintenance and link management. Additionally, error 404 serves as a reminder of the ever-evolving nature of the web, prompting website administrators and developers to implement effective error-handling mechanisms and redirection strategies to enhance user experience.

4. How to Fix Error 404?

Fixing error 404 for users involves a few straightforward steps:

1. Check the URL: Ensure that the URL entered is correct, including any capitalization or punctuation. Mistyped URLs are a common cause of 404 errors.

2. Reload the Page: Refresh the webpage by pressing F5 or clicking the reload button in the browser. Sometimes, a temporary connectivity issue may trigger a 404 error.

3. Clear Browser Cache: Clearing the browser cache and cookies can resolve caching-related issues that may cause 404 errors.

4. Search for the Page: Use a search engine to look for the webpage by entering relevant keywords from the URL or page content.

5. Check Website Structure: Verify that the webpage has not been moved or deleted. Navigate the website's directory structure or sitemap to locate the correct URL.

6. Contact Website Administrator: If unable to resolve the error, contact the website administrator or webmaster for assistance. They can provide insights into the cause of the 404 error and guide on fixing it.

Fixing error 404 for web admins includes several systematic steps:

1. Review Server Logs: Check server logs to identify the URLs triggering the 404 error. This helps pinpoint the problematic pages.

2. Redirect or Update URLs: If the page has been moved or deleted, set up 301 redirects from the old URL to the new one. Alternatively, update internal links and sitemaps to reflect the correct URLs.

3. Customize Error Pages: Create custom error pages to provide helpful information to users encountering a 404 error. Include a search bar or links to relevant sections of the website.

4. Monitor Broken Links: Regularly monitor website links using tools like Google Search Console or third-party broken link checkers. Fix broken links promptly to prevent future 404 errors.

5. Use Canonical Tags: Implement canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a webpage, especially for duplicate content. This can help prevent 404 errors caused by indexing issues.

6. Submit XML Sitemap: Submit an XML sitemap to search engines with updated URLs. This ensures that search engines crawl and index the correct pages, reducing the occurrence of 404 errors.

By following these steps, web admins can effectively address error 404 occurrences, improving user experience and website performance.

5. Impact of 404 Error on SEO

HTTP 404 error code can significantly impact SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts. Here's how:

1. User Experience: When users encounter a 404 error, it leads to a poor user experience, potentially causing them to leave the website. High bounce rates can negatively affect SEO rankings.

2. Crawling and Indexing: Search engine crawlers encounter 404 errors when attempting to index pages that don't exist. This can waste the crawl budget and prevent important pages from being indexed, affecting overall visibility in search results.

3. Broken Links: External links pointing to non-existent pages on your site result in 404 errors. This diminishes the authority passed from external sites and can harm your website's backlink profile, impacting SEO.

4. Index Bloat: The accumulation of 404 error pages in search engine indexes can lead to index bloat, diluting the visibility of valuable content. To prevent this issue, it's essential to regularly remove or redirect 404 pages.

5. Keyword Dilution: If important pages generate 404 errors, it dilutes keyword relevance and can lead to lower rankings for targeted keywords. Ensuring all pages are accessible helps maintain keyword authority and SEO performance.

In summary, 404 errors can harm SEO by compromising user experience, hindering crawling and indexing, damaging backlink profiles, causing index bloat, and diluting keyword relevance. Implementing strategies to identify and resolve 404 errors is crucial for maintaining a strong SEO presence.

6. Popular Tools for Checking 404 Errors

6.1. Google Search Console

Google Search Console, a free tool provided by Google, plays a crucial role in aiding webmasters in identifying errors on their websites and empowering them to optimize their sites for improved performance.

Path to the report - Google Search Console / Indexing / Pages
This is what a 404 error report looks like in Google Search Console
This is what a 404 error report looks like in Google Search Console

6.2. Screaming Frog Spider

Screaming Frog crawls websites and identifies issues such as broken links, missing metadata, duplicate content, and more. It provides detailed reports that help webmasters pinpoint and resolve errors, ultimately improving their websites' overall health and performance.

Unlike Google Search Console, Screaming Frog is a paid tool, but it offers a free version that allows users to check up to 500 links.
404 Error Report in Screaming Frog

6.3. Atomseo Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checker by Atomseo is a trusty companion in the quest for 404 errors. Its web-based tool diligently scans your site, pages, or domains, meticulously hunting down broken or dead links, including anchors, images, CSS links, and Java. With a keen eye for detail, it provides comprehensive status code reports and insights on duplicated content, ensuring your website remains error-free.

How does it work? Enter your website's name, and within moments, the service will uncover any 404 errors lurking within your domain. Prefer a faster solution? Try a free Chrome or Microsoft Edge extension to streamline the process for effortless error detection.

Stay ahead of the curve with subscription option, receiving timely alerts and reports on broken links tailored to your preferred frequency. Stay informed and in control of your site's health, whether daily, weekly, or monthly.

Are you managing multiple links? Our tool offers seamless bulk checks, allowing you to manually upload files or enter links for a thorough examination.

Elevate your website's health with Broken Link Checker by Atomseo, and bid farewell to pesky 404 errors for good.

While Atomseo Broken Link Checker is a paid tool, it allows up to 1500 link checks daily at no cost.
Example of 404 Errors report by Atomseo Broken Link Checker Plugin for Chrome
Example of 404 pages Report by Atomseo Broken Link Checker (Online Service)
Example of 404 pages Report by Atomseo Broken Link Checker (Excel Download)
Example Setting a 404 Alerts Report (by Email)

7. Should 301 Redirects Be Implemented on 404 Error Pages?

Implementing a 301 redirect on 404 error pages is considered a best practice in web development. A 301 redirect instructs search engines and browsers that the requested URL has permanently moved to a new location. By redirecting users from a 404 error page to a relevant and functional webpage, website owners can improve user experience and maintain SEO rankings. This practice ensures visitors are seamlessly directed to relevant content, reducing bounce rates and retaining traffic.

Additionally, it helps preserve link equity and prevents the loss of valuable backlinks associated with the original URL. Overall, setting up 301 redirects on 404 error pages is recommended to optimize website usability and maintain organic search visibility.

8. Reasons for Using a Custom Template for a 404 Web Page

Utilizing a custom template for the 404 web page offers several advantages in web development.

Firstly, it allows website owners to maintain branding consistency by incorporating logos, color schemes, and typography consistent with the rest of the site.

Secondly, a custom 404 template includes helpful navigation elements, such as links to the homepage, popular content, or a site map, facilitating user retention and exploration.

Additionally, it provides an opportunity to present clear and concise error messages, guiding users back on track and reducing frustration.

By customizing the 404 page, website owners can enhance user experience, minimize bounce rates, and improve overall site usability.

9. Distinguishing Between 404 and 410 Errors

The distinction between HTTP status codes 404 (Not Found) and 410 (Gone) lies in their intended meanings and implications for web content.

Error 404 indicates that the requested resource is not currently available on the server. However, it may become available again in the future.

Conversely, error 410 signifies that the requested resource was previously accessible but intentionally removed and is unlikely to be reinstated.

While both codes inform users that the requested content is unavailable, error 410 explicitly communicates that the resource is permanently gone. In contrast, error 404 suggests a temporary or transient unavailability.

This differentiation aids in search engine optimization efforts and user experience management by providing more precise indications of the status and availability of web content.
Regularly monitoring webpage statuses is essential for promptly detecting and rectifying errors. Atomseo Broken Link Checker simplifies this task by offering free daily checks for up to 1,500 links. It swiftly and effectively identifies all server errors, including the 404 status code, ensuring seamless website functionality.

10. Learn More About Other 4xx Status Codes