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Troubleshooting HTTP Error 494:
Causes and Solutions

1. Understanding Error 494: Request Header Too Large

The 494 error code, specific to Nginx, indicates that the server has received a request header that is too large to process. This status code, known as "Request Header Too Large," is not part of the standard HTTP status codes but is used by Nginx to handle cases where the client's request headers exceed the server's configured size limit.

Common causes include oversized cookies, excessive custom headers, or improper client configurations. By returning a 494 error, Nginx prevents potential resource overloads and enhances security by mitigating risks associated with large request headers.

2. Causes and Scenarios for Using Error 494

2.1. Common Causes of the 494 Error

1.     Oversized Cookies: Clients sending cookies that are too large can cause the 494 error. This often happens with complex web applications that store extensive user data in cookies.

2.     Excessive Custom Headers: Requests containing an excessive number of custom headers or unusually large header values can exceed the server's limits, triggering the error.

3.     Misconfigured Clients: Clients improperly configured to send large headers, either through developer oversight or miscommunication between systems, can cause this issue.

4.     Security Attacks: Malicious actors may deliberately send large headers as part of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack to overwhelm the server and disrupt service.

2.2. Typical Scenarios of Error 494

1.     Web Application Requests: Complex web applications that rely on extensive client-side data storage in cookies or custom headers can inadvertently trigger the 494 error.

2.     API Gateway Traffic: API gateways handling numerous or large API calls might encounter this error if the headers of incoming requests are too large for the server to process.

3.     Proxy Servers: Proxy servers that relay requests from multiple clients might aggregate large headers, resulting in a 494 error when forwarding to the upstream server.

4.     User Configuration Errors: End users with misconfigured browsers or applications that send abnormally large headers might cause the server to reject their requests with an error 494.

3. How to Fix Error 494

Here’s how to diagnose and fix this error:

1.    Review Nginx Configuration: Check the nginx.conf file or your specific site configuration file to identify the settings related to header size.

2.    Adjust Header Size Limits: Increase the allowed size of client headers using the large_client_header_buffers directive. This directive sets the maximum number and size of buffers for reading large client headers.

Example configuration:


http {
client_header_buffer_size 1k;
large_client_header_buffers 4 16k;
# Other configurations

In this example:

  • client_header_buffer_size sets the size of the buffer for reading the client request header.
  • large_client_header_buffers sets the maximum number and size of buffers for large headers.
  • the buffer size is increased to 16 KB. Adjust the size based on your server’s requirements.

3.    Optimize Application Headers: Ensure your application does not send excessively large headers. Review and optimize cookies, custom headers, and other data sent in the request headers.

4.     Monitor and Test:

  • After making configuration changes, restart Nginx to apply the new settings:


sudo systemctl restart nginx

  • Monitor the server logs to ensure the 494 error is resolved and no legitimate requests are blocked.

5.    Client Configuration: If the issue persists, check the client-side configuration. Ensure clients sending requests to your server are not misconfigured to send excessively large headers.

Fixing HTTP error 494 in Nginx involves reviewing and adjusting the server configuration to handle larger request headers. By increasing the buffer size and optimizing application headers, you can prevent this error and ensure smooth server operation. Regular monitoring and testing are essential to maintain optimal performance.

Consistently monitoring web page statuses is crucial for swiftly identifying and resolving issues. The Atomseo Broken Link Checker aids this process by providing up to 1,500 free link scans daily. This tool enhances your website's performance by accurately detecting server errors, including error 494.

4. Learn More About Other 4xx Status Codes