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Understanding and Resolving
HTTP 498 Invalid Token Errors

  1. Meaning and Reasons of HTTP 498 “Token Invalid/Expired” Error Code

The 498 error code is a non-standard HTTP status code some servers use to indicate an expired or invalid token. This error typically occurs when a client application attempts to access a resource with an expired token, malformed or otherwise deemed invalid by the server.

Understanding the 498 error code is essential for web developers and system administrators. It signifies that the authentication token presented by the client is no longer valid. Common causes include:

  1. Expired Token: Tokens have a limited lifespan and must be refreshed periodically. An expired token will trigger a 498 error.
  2. Malformed Token: If the token structure is incorrect or corrupted, the server will reject it, resulting in this error.
  3. Invalid Token: A 498 error will also occur if a token has been tampered with or is not recognized by the server.

To resolve the plc-498 error code, developers should ensure that their application handles token generation, renewal, and storage correctly. Regularly refreshing tokens and verifying their integrity before use can prevent these errors and provide seamless access to secured resources.

2. How to Find the 498 Error?

To locate Token Expired error code 498, follow these steps:

1.     Examine Server Logs: Check the server logs for entries that indicate a 498 status code. These logs provide detailed information about requests and their responses.

2.     Use Browser Developer Tools: In your web browser, open the developer tools and navigate to the Network tab. You can see all HTTP requests and responses here, including those that return a 498 error.

3.     Monitor Application Logs: If your application logs HTTP responses, review these logs for any 498 errors. This helps pinpoint when and where the error occurs.

4.     Implement Logging Middleware: Add middleware to your application to log HTTP status codes. This can provide real-time insights into 498 errors as they happen.

5.     Check Token Management: Review how your application handles token generation, storage, and renewal. Issues in these processes can lead to 498 errors.

You can quickly identify 498 Invalid Token errors using the Atomseo Broken Link Checker tool. This tool detects various types of errors and allows you to check up to 1,500 daily links for free. Utilizing this tool enables you to effectively address issues related to invalid or expired token errors, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently.

3. Fixing the 498 Error

Here’s how to address this issue:

1.     Refresh Tokens Regularly: Ensure your application automatically refreshes tokens before they expire. Implement token refresh mechanisms to maintain valid authentication tokens.

2.     Validate Token Integrity: Check tokens for correctness before sending them in requests. Ensure tokens are not malformed or corrupted.

3.     Implement Robust Token Management: Use secure methods to generate, store, and handle tokens. Avoid storing tokens in easily accessible locations, such as local storage or unsecured cookies.

4.     Monitor Token Expiry: Track token expiration times and prompt users to re-authenticate when necessary. Use server-side validation to handle token expiry efficiently.

5.     Review Server Configuration: Ensure your server correctly handles token validation and provides clear error messages when tokens are invalid or expired.

By implementing these steps, web developers and system administrators can effectively fix Token Error 498 and ensure continuous and secure access to their applications.
Constantly tracking web page statuses is vital for quickly spotting and fixing issues. Atomseo Broken Link Checker eases this process by providing free daily scans for up to 1,500 links. This tool improves website performance by promptly and precisely identifying all server errors, including HTTP 498 error codes.

4. Learn More About Other 4xx Status Codes